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After Surgery

There has been a pretty big gap in posting on here while Tim has been recovering and I have been taking care of him and things around the house. I'm sorry. Making sure that he was taking painkillers, that he was getting enough to eat and enough sleep, remembering to take short walks, and all of the other worries that go along with caring for someone after surgery have somewhat consumed my thoughts recently. The last time I posted, he had been moved into a recovery room. The next day, Friday the 15th, Tim was discharged. Can you believe it?!? That was WAY earlier than we were expecting.  Tim's first time walking with the physical therapist after surgery. I thought there must have been a mistake when the recovery unit nurse told us that she was prepping his discharge papers and waiting for his neurosurgeon to stop by and approve everything, but later that day we were packing stuff up and heading home.  Tim said the car ride home was awful.  If you have a small

15 Things to Do Before Brain Surgery

Tim here! As I have been recovering I've been thinking a lot about what I did prior to surgery to help out with my recovery. I decided to jot down a list of things I did in hopes that it will help someone else out prior to their own surgery. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it sure helped me get prepared! 1. Clean Your House  The instructions I received from my doctor specifically stated I would not be able to do things like mowing the lawn, do laundry, or bend over to unload dishes from the dishwasher. In other words, you really are not going to be able to do any sort of cleaning during your recovery. Personally, having a dirty house stresses me out so not having that stress during my recovery was nice! Note from Tia: Also, a clean house means less risk of sickness or infection! For us this meant sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning bathrooms, washing all bedding, and wiping pretty much every surface down with disinfectant. 2. Stock Up on Healthy Food

Tim Green: Brain Surgery Rock Star

Wow. Today is Saturday. How did that happen?!? I'm so sorry I haven't had much of a chance to update the blog over the last 48 hours, it has been pretty eventful. But in a good way! I'll give you a short break down of what things have been like and then I'm sure Tim and/or I will add more later. First things first, THE SURGERY WAS A HUGE SUCCESS !!! Wednesday (after surgery) 6 PM - One of the surgeons came to the waiting room to let us know that surgery was done, everything had gone great, and they believed that they had removed all of the AVM. They were taking care of all of the post-surgery work and planning to bring him out of anesthesia. 7 PM - Tim was awake! I couldn't see him yet, but they assured me that he was doing very well and there hadn't been any complications. They were going to take him for a CT scan and would let me know when he was back in the ICU. 8 PM (I think? Maybe it was closer to 7:30, but it's all kind of a blur.)

Brain Surgery Day

Well everyone, it's surgery day. I stayed with Tim in the NSICU last night on a surprisingly comfy cot that the nurses pulled out for me. I just have to say, all of the staff at OHSU has been so incredibly kind, helpful, and supportive. If you are ever considering a location to go for medical care, look into OHSU. Also it's a teaching hospital so it kind of feels like I'm living out an episode of Grey's Anatomy. Even though Tim drank lots of water the past few days, he still woke up thirsty and cranky that he couldn't eat or drink anything before surgery. He was scheduled for 10AM, but he was the second surgery of the day so we found ourselves waiting well past then. The OR nurses, anesthesiologists, and even his neurosurgeon stopped by to chat and make sure he was doing well. By the time they told us they were ready and got him prepped to move it was 12:30PM! As I'm writing this, it's about 4PM and there's a whole gang of family and friends

Embolization Day

Whelp, we've reached the  week. Brain surgery week. Tim and I have been at the hospital for almost two hours now and his embolization is scheduled to start here soon. As a reminder for what is happening today, they will insert a catheter into his femoral artery and feed it up to the brain. Once they get to the main artery that is feeding the AVM, they will inject some dye, make sure everything looks good, and then inject a glue-like substance called Onyx. (Like the Pokemon!) The procedure is supposed to take about two-ish hours and then he'll be in the ICU. I'll be updating this post throughout the day! Update: It's 8PM. Tim and I are currently watching Avengers: Infinity War in his room in the NSICU. (Haha they have a great movie selection!) The embolization went fantastic and Tim is feeling great, all things considered! I think that adding more supplements (potassium, magnesium, and calcium) in over the past month combined with drinking probably a dozen